Anushka Sharma, who is promoting her new clothing line NUSH, has got Arjun Kapoor on board to help her.
She recently tweeted a picture of the Half Girlfriend actor carrying a NUSH box on his shoulder with the caption: “Nush boxes looking super good on such responsible shoulders! @arjunk26 @NushBrand #NUSH.”
Arjun retweeted it saying: “Next time u order clothes I might just be there with them !!! #NUSH @AnushkaSharma.”
Neerja producer Atul Kasbekar cheekily commented on Anushka’s post saying, “Anushka, There’s another AK out there with really nice big (and responsible) shoulders btw. Nudge nudge, wink wink” to which Arjun replied, “Don’t speak about Akshay Kumar so discreetly Atul…”
Kasbekar played on and said, “Heh heh…And there’s Kher Saab, ur uncle, Aamir…
The AK list is long and distinguished…’
Dia Mirza tweeted about NUSH. “Quirky, feminine and fun!!! Love it @AnushkaSharma #NUSH.”